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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

simply soap

CURD SOAP is a nearly neutral soap, of pure soda and fine tallow.

OIL SOAP, as made in England, is an uncolored combination of olive oil and soda, hard, close grain, and contains but little water in combination.

CASTILE SOAP, as imported from Spain, is a similar combination, but is colored by protosulphate of iron. The solution of the salt being added to the soap after it is manufactured, from the presence of alkali, decomposition of the salt takes place, and protoxide of iron is diffused thlrough the soap of its well known black color, giving the familiar marbled appearance to it.

When the soap is cut up into bars, and exposed to the air, the protoxide passes by absorption of oxygen into peroxide; hence a section of a bar of Castile soap shows the outer edge red-marbled, while the interior is black-marbled.

Some Castile soap is not artificially colored but a similar appearance is produced by the use of a barilla or soda containing sulphuret of the alkaline base, and at other times from the presence of an iron salt.

MARINE SOAP is a cocoanut-oil soap, of soda, containing a great excess of alkali, and much water combination.

YELLOW SOAP is a soda soap, of tallow, resin, of lard, etc

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simply soap